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M&A Due 

Buy-in market expertise and 15+ years of telecoms strategy experience

Ex-CEO of STRATO, effectively doubling the M&A transaction volume in 5 years from 130 to 275 mEUR.

Participated or advised in several major M&A transactions in the European hosting and data center sector with transaction volumes ranging from 100 mEUR to 1.6 bEUR (examples):

  • HEG Host Europe Group (2010, 2013, 2016)

  • OVH French incumbent, minority stake (2015/16)

  • STRATO (2009, 2017)

  • DATA4 Data Center Collocation (2016)

  • HOME.PL Polish incumbent (2015)

See detailed M&A track-record here

Senior Advisor to numerous PE investment funds and to ADL’s TIME practice (Vienna).



I have a proven track record of successful innovation, disruption and entrepreneurial bold moves, e.g.:

  • First ADSL flatrate in Germany (with freenet)

  • First SIP-based IP telephony as a service (with freenet),
    thus disrupting freenet-mobilcom's own POTS call-by-call and preselection business

  • First legacy hoster offering storage-as-a-service
    (Strato HiDrive) and „freemium“ pricing model

Let me help you to identify the hidden assets within your company, and to overlay them the with market trends to find an individual winning strategy, be it innovation, evolution, pivoting or disruption.


Let me support you to promote ideas to internal and external stakeholders including employees, boards / investors and customers.

You may be the masters of R&D,
but the future is all about I&D


From  lean startup  to  global first  -
whatever suits best

Due to my background as entrepreneur, small and large team player, up to dealing with investors and large corporates as CEO and senior advisor, I can provide a bunch of fitting services for startups in any stage of their lifecycle.

This certainly includes a hinge role between ideas and money, and ranges from hands-on to strategy work. I’m able to inspire people as well as getting their feet back on the ground of fact-based reality if needed.

During my career, I used to work successfully in different roles, and I’m willing to bring in and transfer this expertise to your startup or project.


As prosperity goes along with responsibility, I use to convey economical, ethical and social values alike, which in my view is the best base for long-term success.

Watch my recent startup grow:



You can’t be a little bit pregnant, and so you can’t be a little bit digital

Digitalization starts with a thorough assessment of your business, products, markets, core assets, and last but not least, your business processes; and it requires a bunch of clear decisions made by the management right from the start.

Sure you can just start with having a website, but look at some first simple questions arising here

Imagine how much more questions arise if you decide to go beyond having a simple website, like implementing a webshop, intertwining it to your ERP and individualized production, outsourcing IT infrastructure to the cloud, introducing agile methods within the company, etc.

Let me help you to identify which path and strategy you could possibly follow to be in-line with your overall company goals and budgets, to assess how much effort would cost you which step on the path of digitalization - before you blindly step into a mess.


Power &

Let’s make up our minds and turn ideas into profits

I’ve started as an enthusiastic early adopter of renewables:

  • 100% renewable electric power in my flat since 2000

  • 100% renewable energy in Strato's data center operations since 2007, turning Strato into the first emission-free European web hoster

  • 15.000 tons of CO2 emission per year avoided -corresponding to the emission of about 5.000 families

  • 30% reduction of total energy consumption in server and data center architecture, NGO environmental prize won

Now I believe that we need to rethink mobility completely, which includes electric / autonomous / coordinated vehicles, car sharing and mobility mashups, loading / hydrogen infrastructure, smart power grid and virtual power plants, as well as converting abundant renewable energy into locally stored hydrogen for cars or methane for heating.


As all this means a lot of change and innovation management to the incumbents and a huge chance for newcomers.

Let me contribute with my expertise in digital business models, innovation, convincing customers and the general public.



Seasoned manager and leader with 15+ years of telecoms strategy experience

  • CEO of STRATO 2005 - 2012,
    effectively doubling the company value within 5 years
    (2005 – 2010, M&A transaction volume)


  • Alumnus of Deutsche Telekom’s TLT – Top Leadership Team-Program Germany (2010-2012)

  • Entrepreneurial, collaborative, fact-based,
    goal- and value-driven leadership approach


  • Well-mannered but experienced in steering through rough waters and hostile environments as well

  • Trained on the job with hands-on expertise as self-employed entrepreneur, co-founder, marketing and product manager / owner, customer service manager, general / interim manager, CEO, advisory board member and senior advisor.


Available for interim, consulting and long-term engagements.

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